Miss You Already #PinkPicnic in aid of Breast Cancer Now

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What better way to spend a Sunday afternoon than a picnic in the park. Deryane, Emily, Becky and Deryane’s husband Chris had the pleasure of heading to the Miss You Already Pink Picnic in aid of Breast Cancer Now, held in Manchester Square Gardens, London.

The Dressing Room in association with Becksondergaard is proud to be supporting the fabulous Miss You Already film, released on 25th September.

From finger sandwiches, cakes and lots of summer beverages, the afternoon was spent getting our nails done and being pampered by staff from Champney’s.

We also met our Pink Picnic competition winner Katie who tagged her best friend Catherine in her post and was lucky enough to win two tickets to come and enjoy the day.

From left to right being treated to hand massages (in image above): Kam & Annabel from Brand National – representatives for Becksondergaard.

We caught up with our friends from Becksondergaard and of course mixed with the celebrities! The event was covered by OK Magazine, so look out for more pictures in the magazine! From left to right (in the image above): Lizzie Cundy, Hayley Westerna, Linda Lusardi and Karen Hassan.

The film Miss You Already will be released on 25th September in cinemas and stars the amazing Drew Barrymore and Toni Collette. Watch the trailer here! Stay tuned for more activities at The Dressing Room in the next month to help promote the film – watch this space!

If you would like to help support the Breast Cancer Now charity then check out their website for more details and keep your eyes peeled for the various charity activities we have coming soon!